About The Program


gesture What we do?


Google collaborates with university students who are passionate about growing developer communities.

Developer Student Club powered by Google Developers is a Technical Club under the Department of Computer Science & Engineering is an initiative to grow their knowledge on developer technologies and more through peer to peer workshops and events, and gain relevant industry experience.



What DSC JSSSTU does?


Developer Student Club JSSSTU is inspired by the Google Developers' Family.

The motive is to create a local ecosystem of Developers in and around the Campus. And having fun doing it.





Get updated with the latest news and announcements.

Study Jams

Hands-on experience with the community members.


Projects with a social impact that help a lot of people.


Dream. Explore. Wonder. Build it Together.



whatshot The Team


These are the amazing bunch of people who make the community what it is. Who are the Backbone of Developer Student Club, JSSSTU and ensure that we can forge ahead

They take the time out from their daily grind to give back to the members and empower them to become bigger (Metaphorically). And Better.

Meet The Team  



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Attend Study Jams/ Hackathons/ Developer Conferences to learn more about the latest technologies.
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Call For Speakers

Interested in being a Speaker at one of our events? Just drop us your Proposal.
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Get Brand exposure and elevate your business identity within the Community.




Thank you to our Partners for their support towards the community. If you want to be showcased through DSC JSSSTU, contact Here for Sponsorship details.








JSS Science and Technology University, popularly known as SJCE or JSSSTU, is a private university located in Mysore, Karnataka, India. SJCE was Established in 1963. JSS S&T University is committed to deliver high quality educational opportunities for youth and transform not only its neighborhood but offer courses to equip aspiring youth to meet the global needs of industry in every sector.

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About CSE Department


The inception of Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CS&E) was one among the first to be established in the State of Karnataka in the year 1982. Our mission is to create ideas that deepen and advance our understanding of the realm of Computer Science and Engineering and with those ideas to develop innovative, principled, and insightful leaders who change the world. department is actively involved in International collaborative research and also in sponsored research projects.

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